
Esay to view chart

Our easy to read overview chart lets you see what innaproprate items your child has been typing and looking up online. This can be viewed by word context, by individual words or phrases or by individual app. As well as a handy date range sorting function.

Drilling down

We let you drill down into any view you would like to see. When viewing the data you want on the chart simply tap on the desired word, app, or context to see all instances of your chosen field in one easy to read view sorted by date. Tapping on an entry will show you the full context of the text in which the word was found.

Add your own words

If you are worried about a certain word or phrase that we aren't tracking you can easily add you're own words to track and assigne it whatever tag you feel best suits. Perfect for local slang or even something that isn't necessarily a bad word but you would still like to know about.

You choose what to track

We provide a large database of words to compare against but you might find a certain word isn't applicable to your child or that they may be old enought to use certain words. No problem with our tracking feature in one tap you can set a word to be tracked or disabled.

Request a feature

Please enter details of what you would like to see in the app and we'll try to integrate your ideas. Please review the requested feature list down below before submitting a request.

Requested Features

This is a list of all features requested for the app along with their development status.

Title Details Labels Created Latest Update Updated State